My story is called Tell Me Your Name.

A compassionate girl, alone in her luxury condo. A boy at the front door asking for charity. What could go wrong?

Click the image for the trailer, created by a fellow writer, Gabi Lorino.

For a complete list of stories and authors, go to Made in L.A. Writers.

"Made in L.A.: Art of Transformation isn't so much a collection of stories set in a location but a love letter to one of the greatest cities in the world, one that invites, or forces, its inhabitants to transform with it. We hope you enjoy reading our tales of Los Angeles as much as we enjoyed crafting them."

                                        Allison Rose , cover designer and author

Tell Me Your Name  appears in

Made in L.A. Vol.3 Art of Transformation

Publisher: Resonant Earth Publishing (Nov. 2020), on behalf of

Made in L.A. Writers

Sixteen amazing stories.

Edited by Sara Chisolm, Gabi Lorino, Allison Rose, and Cody Sisco.

Watch me read an excerpt of my story at The Launch.

And, here’s how I got the idea for that creepy story. The Spark.